We believe that being part of the solution is a more effective tool of engagement than being a part of the silent majority. The #GetInvolved Programme enables under-represented communities to engage with mainstream politics. You can register your interest with us here, or keep reading to find out more about what we do!

2024 is a big year globally for politics, with more than 40% of the world’s population eligible to vote. In the UK, we’ve recently had local and mayoral elections, and on Thursday 4th July we had a General Election. This means 2024 is a crucial year and opportunity for young people across the country to get involved in politics and get their voices heard.

Our 2024 #GetInvolved programme will include canvassing sessions, hustings, party conferences and more across the country. We’ll be delivering these in coordination with the main parties, and aim to offer a wide selection of political positioning so there’s something for everyone. Sometimes participating in these activities can seem daunting, especially if it’s your first time, so we’ll be running briefing sessions and workshops to best prepare you. These sessions are open to everyone, regardless of your political knowledge or engagement – all we ask is you come with an open mind and a willingness to #GetInvolved! 

Participants have the opportunity to learn the basics of politics – from canvassing to campaigning with real hands-on experience. Participants attend sessions led by influential political figures to gain greater knowledge on the internal workings of parties, politics and elections. Individuals are given the opportunity to attend party conferences to extend their understanding of British politics. The programme enables participants not only to understand grassroots politics it also provides a safe environment for individuals to explore their own political views and future plans. Learn more about voting

Unsure about whether this is for you? Read about Bella’s first experience at a Patchwork #GetInvolved session and the impact it’s had on her.


Enabled over 180 young people from across the UK to attend Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrats and SNP conferences since 2014

Over 4,000 young people engaged with the programme and have canvassed and campaigned on a grass roots level

We worked with the 2016 London mayoral candidates to increase participation and interest in voting among under-represented groups

80% of participants considered the conference programme actively reduced barriers for them to engage with politics and politicians

100% of those involved in the #GetInvolved programme found it to be a positive political experience and would recommend it to others

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