Parliament should reflect the population we seek to represent. People shouldn’t see Westminster as remote, irrelevant or off-limits to them, they should know that it is something that serves them, something in which they can play a part. That is what the Patchwork Foundation sets out to achieve. Over the past decade, you have touched and transformed the lives of thousands of young people.” See her full statement here.

Theresa May MP
Former Prime Minister

“As an MP, and as a liberal, I have consistently championed the idea that our democracy is only as good as the people who engage with it, and so it is vital that all parts of our diverse society feel empowered to participate within democracy and public life.

Britain’s democracy is being strengthened every day by the efforts of Patchwork to engage people of all communities, so even to be a small part of this journey is a privilege.”

Rt Hon Sir Ed Davey MP
Leader of the Liberal Democrats

Over the last five years, I have seen Patchwork grow from strength to strength. It’s work with underrepresented communities, especially young people, is not only important to get young people involved in our democracy, but has also completely changed so many people’s lives. I know colleagues in Parliament and across politics who have really been touched by the work done by the foundation. I have already seen Patchwork Alumni helping shape politics and wider society by taking up active roles and jobs across Whitehall, Parliament and even City Hall.

Sadiq Khan
Mayor of London

I am proud to be a Patron of the Patchwork Foundation because I am a strong believer that our democracy should be accessible to all.

No-one should feel disadvantaged if they want a career in Parliament – and I am fully behind the Foundation’s efforts to support and equip young people with the skills, experience and know-how to succeed in public life.

After all, democracy is stronger when it is more diverse and representative of the people it speaks for.

It is, therefore, no surprise that the Foundation’s work to reach out and create opportunities for would-be politicians has inspired colleagues from across the House to get involved.”

Sir Lindsay Hoyle MP
Speaker of the House of Commons and Patron

“Encouraging the next generation to participate in the political system and affect positive change in society is vital for a healthy democracy. Patchwork Foundation is creating a space to make politics more accessible, and I credit you for the exemplary impact you are having.”

Rt Hon Sir Keir Starmer MP
Leader of the Opposition and of the Labour Party

”I am proud to support the ground breaking work of the Patchwork Foundation. The organisation has helped thousands of young people from under-represented communities engage in the political process. From holding community engagement events attended by thousands of people, to small masterclasses with senior political figures, the Foundation is leading the way in making politics more accessible to all, regardless of there you live, where you come from, your age, ethnicity or background. Patchwork is one of the few organisations I know that trains young people from diverse backgrounds on political campaigning and then helps them to implement those skills on the doorstep through their GetInvolved programme.”

Rt Hon David Cameron
Former Prime Minister and Former Leader of the Conservative Party

“I am proud that the Government I lead is the most diverse the UK has ever seen and the Patchwork Foundation is leading the charge in making politics more accessible to all, proving that young people from any background can be at the heart of British politics.”

Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

”The Patchwork Foundation’s MP of the Year Award, is not only about making sure we recognise MPs who go above and beyond in reaching out to and working with underrepresented communities, but it is an important reminder on how much more MPs of all parties need to do more, to engage with those groups. This is especially important because of the changes to the Electoral Register which will knock off over one million people from the register. The Labour Party have launched the Missing Million campaign and we will work with organisations like Patchwork, Operation Black Vote and many others to ensure there is a mass voter registration drive to ensure everyone who is eligible can vote. Over the summer we saw a great democratic process within the Labour Party, never before have we seen such a high level of engagement with young people and with people from all different communities. I remember the hustings the Patchwork Foundation invited me to, I remember how lively and engaging it was and how passionate a room full of young people were so bought into the idea of democracy changing their own and other lives for the better. Thank you, Patchwork Foundation for all the work you do, it is an honour for me to support you.”

Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn MP
Former Leader of the Opposition and of the Labour Party

“Patchwork is a loudhailer for the voices of underrepresented groups right across our islands and their Parliamentary Awards recognise the endeavours of individual MPs across the parties who are making efforts to get people from all walks of life engaged in politics.”

Nicola Sturgeon MSP
SNP Leader and Scotland’s First Minister

“Promoting and inspiring young talent from all backgrounds to engage in the politics and civil society strengthens political participation and our democratic process. The Patchwork Foundation is due enormous credit for their work in encouraging the positive integration of underrepresented communities and I am pleased to have been able to support the Foundation over the years as they have grown from strength to strength.”

Rt Hon Ian Blackford MP
Leader of the SNP in the House of Commons