“Patchwork doesn’t just leave young people with political knowledge, it also leaves them with a lot of personal power. This power is founded in the knowledge that they can do things that they didn’t even know were possible yesterday, things that Patchwork makes a reality…As a gay person; as an intersectional feminist; as someone who’s struggled with disability and poverty throughout life, I’m almost the embodiment of all the underrepresented communities [Patchwork tries] to reach out to and I can honestly say that I have never found a place more welcoming and inclusive than the Patchwork family. If they can do this for me, then I know that together we can make all youth feel like this…Patchworkers grow from the support that Patchwork Foundation provides. Patchwork breaks down misconceptions on the constituent’s door step, it strives to bring young people into a world without glass ceilings or locked doors.”