”I am proud to support the ground breaking work of the Patchwork Foundation. Patchwork is one of the few organisations I know that trains young people from diverse backgrounds on political campaigning and then helps them to implement those skills on the doorstep through their GetInvolved programme.”
Patchwork’s Patron Mr Speaker, Rt Hon John Bercow MP announced the Patchwork Foundation MPs of the Year 2015 for those MPs who have represented and worked well with underrepresented, deprived and minority communities. The ceremony kindly sponsored by KPMG was held at Speakers House on 4th November 2015 and was attended by over 100 youth leaders from across the country and over 50 MPs.
The top three awards this year went to Rt Hon Sadiq Khan for Overall People’s Choice MP of the Year 2014-2015, Caroline Lucas for Overall MP of the Parliamentary Term 2010-2015 and Zac Goldmith Overall MP for Year 2014-2015.
Overall Party People’s Choice Award MP of the Year 2015 Rt Hon Sadiq Khan MP said:
“It’s a real honour to receive this award and get the support of the panel. It’s also humbling to get the nominations of Londoners. The patchwork Foundation does so much excellent work encouraging and giving a voice to deprived and under-represented groups in our country. There is still more work to do, and I will continue to focus on ensuring the next generation in Tooting and across London gets the same opportunities our wonderful city gave me.”
Overall MP of the Parliamentary Term 2010 – 2015 Caroline Lucas MP said:
“It’s a huge honour to receive this Patchwork Foundation Award. There is still plenty of work to do in tackling the chronic underrepresentation of deprived communities in politics. Our democracy and our politics are richer when a representative cross-section of society is reflected in the institutions of Government. As the MP for Brighton Pavilion I am committed to continue helping people from all backgrounds to be part of the political process.”
Overall MP of the Year 2015 Zac Goldsmith MP said:
“I’m a huge admirer of the great work that Patchwork does, so to be given this award by the organisation is a particular honour. Thank you to the judges and I look forward to working with Patchwork in the months and years to come.”
The Prime Minister, Rt Hon David Cameron MP said:
“I am also proud to continue to support the ground-breaking work of the Patchwork Foundation. The organisation has helped thousands of young people from under represented comunites engage in the political process. From holding Town Hall events attended by thousands of people, to their Masterclass programme with senior poltical figures, the Foundation is leading the way in making politicis more accessible to all, regardless of where you live, where you come from, your age, ethnicity or background. As such, it was a pleasure to host a group from the Foundation at our recent Party Conference in Manchester.”
Siddiq Musa, KPMG Partner said:
“We are delighted to sponsor these Patchwork awards for the second year encouraging under represented communities to connect with the political process and celebrating those MPs from across the political divide who have really made a difference to inclusion. The work done by their volunteers and the time they commit will hopefully inspire young people in all communities to fulfil their true potential. How organisations work with, and within, their local communities is a critical part of inspiring young people. That’s why KPMG pioneered a School Leaver Programme, a Business Support Academy and, this year, launched our 360 degree apprenticeship programme. We have committed ourselves to target ranges spanning across the four areas of gender, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation. Everyone has the right to feel safe from discrimination and bring their whole self to work, into Parliament or civic life so that they can fulfil their own potential and make a difference to business, our communities and to people’s lives and opportunities.”
Conservative MP of the Parliament Term Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP said:
“I’m very grateful to Patchwork for giving me this award. I think it is hugely important to engage the next generation in politics, and also to involve people who come from backgrounds where they would not normally think that our political process is something that they can be part of. We all need to continue to work to make those young people realise that not only should they be part of our politics, but also that we need them to be.”
Conservative MP of the Year 2015 Rt Hon Justine Greening MP said:
“The Patchwork Foundation is a fantastic organisation which reaches out to communities who are often under-represented so it is a real honour to receive this award. I hope the work I have been doing to involve more young people in international development work both globally and locally will help to engage them in our national life, and benefit communities around the world who need our help. Locally, I have worked with some great community organisations such as Regenerate, the National Autistic Society and Dementia4Art who all work really hard to ensure that under-represented groups locally have access to fantastic facilities and development programs. I hope this award will also acknowledge the efforts of all those activists and campaigners who have worked alongside me and I will continue to work hard to give under-represented and minority communities a voice.”
Labour Party MP of the Parliamentary Term 2010 – 2015 Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP said:
“I am honoured to receive this award from the Patchwork Foundation. I know first-hand how important their work is in encouraging under-represented communities to engage with the political process. I look forward to continuing to work with Patchwork and supporting them to help break down the barriers that prevent people from connecting with the political process.”
Labour Party MP of the Year 2015 Chuka Umunna MP said:
“Patchwork Foundation plays an incredibly important role in getting more young people engaged in politics and encouraging people from under-represented groups to have their say. It has been inspiring taking part in Patchwork’s projects and I am deeply honoured to be presented with this award – I look forward to continuing working with the Patchwork Foundation in the future.”
Jeremy Corbyn MP Leader of the Opposition said:
“The Patchwork Foundation’s MP of the Year Award, is not only about making sure we recognise MPs who go above and beyond in reaching out to and working with under represented communities, but it is an important reminder on how much more MPs of all parties need to do more, to engage with those groups. This is especially important because of the changes to the Electoral Register which will knock off over one million people from the register. The Labour Party have launched the Missing Million campaign and we will work with organisations like Patchwork, Operation Black Vote and many others to ensure there is a mass voter registration drive to ensure everyone who is eligible can vote. Over the summer we saw a great democratic process within the Labour Party, never before have we seen such a high level of engagement with young people and with people from all different communities. I remember the hustings the Patchwork Foundation invited me to, I remember how lively and engaging it was and how passionate a room full of young people were so bought into the idea of democracy changing their own and other lives for the better. Thank you, Patchwork Foundation for all the work you do, it is an honour for me to support you.”
(Other Parties) MP of the Year 2015 Angus Roberston MP said:
“It is an honour and privilege to receive this award from Patchwork, who do an incredible amount of work supporting people from all backgrounds to have a voice in politics. It is vital that, as politicians, we engage with as many people in society as we can and make our democracy accessible for all. Working with groups like Skillforce who support disadvantaged young people or Enable, who work with adults with learning difficulties, is enormously important if we are to ensure we are representing all of our community. We must also seek to understand cultural differences, such as across religious groups, and ensure that we treat people fairly and equally in everything we do. We need to ensure that we have full democratic accountability and encourage participation in politics from all cultures and backgrounds otherwise as a parliament we cannot reasonably claim to act on behalf of the people.”
SNP Leader and Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said:
“Patchwork is a loudhailer for the voices of underrepresented groups right across our islands and their Parliamentary Awards recognise the endeavours of individual MPs across the parties who are making efforts to get people from all walks of life engaged in politics. Angus Robertson has done a tremendous job supporting groups of people who would otherwise be less engaged with democracy and representation and he has encouraged young people especially to be all they can be. I am delighted to congratulate Angus on this award.”
(Other Parties) MP of the Parliamentary Term 2010 – 2015 Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP said:
“I am honoured to receive this award and extremely grateful for the nominations I received. I have always been passionate about ensuring that everyone has access to the same opportunities, no matter their background or the circumstances of their birth and am very proud of the work I led in the coalition government to open up opportunity, especially to under-represented groups. The Patchwork Foundation is a fantastic organisation with whom I have had the pleasure to work with for a number of years. The energy, determination and thoughtfulness of the young people I have met through the Foundation should be an inspiration to us all.”
(Other Parties) People’s Choice Award MP of the Year 2015 Norman Lamb MP said
“I am delighted to receive this award. Thanks so much to those who nominated me and supported me. Fighting for equality for those who suffer mental ill health is a mission for me. It was a privilege to pursue this vital cause as a minister – but I will continue my mission from the outside – pushing, challenging, cajoling, doing whatever is necessary to persuade Government of the importance of staying the course until we have genuine equality.”
Leader of Liberal Democrat Tim Farron MP said:
“The Patchwork Foundation are a fantastic organisation that helps foster equality in all its forms. They provide an invaluable service and something I cannot praise them highly enough for. Over the last five years the Liberal Democrats made our country and more equal place and have passed a raft of legislation to do that. Behind many of those laws were Nick and Norman. They deserve recognition and on behalf of a proud party we thank and commend them.”
Natalie Bennett, Green Party Leader, said:
“Caroline’s award is richly deserved. Everyone in the Green Party is constantly inspired by Caroline’s outstanding work in the House of Commons to challenge the status quo and deliver real change for the common good. This prestigious award recognises what all Greens know – that Caroline has done a huge amount of work for deprived, minority and under represented communities. Caroline has been a tireless defender of the most vulnerable and consistently provided real opposition to the government’s damaging and ideologically-driven austerity agenda. Caroline’s outstanding track record in Westminster has not gone unnoticed by her Brighton Pavilion constituents, who returned her with a significantly increased majority in the May 2015 General Election.”
Patrons: Mr Speaker, Rt Hon John Bercow MP | Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson DBE | Martyn Lewis CBE | John O’Brien | John Pienaar
National Advisory Board: Shabir Randeree CBE (Chairman, HRH Prince of Wales’ Mosaic) | Simon Woolley (Founder, Operation Black Vote) | Andrea Cooper | Alice Memminger (Director, UpRising) | Yameen Akhtar (Three Faiths Forum) | Sophie Stephens (Citizens UK) | Yasmin Walijee OBE | Jonathan Freeman (National Director, HRH Prince of Wales’ Mosaic)
Ambassadors: Jonathan Holt (Senior Partner, KPMG) | Farmida Bi (Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright)
Through the MP of the Year Awards, The Patchwork Foundation highlights and acknowledges those MPs – nominated by individuals and grassroots community organisations, and subsequently picked by an independent panel of judges – that have excelled in representing such communities.
There have been over 60 MPs nominated from across the country including MPs from different faith groups and ethnic backgrounds. The MPs are judged by 5 key criteria:
1. Deprived communities (including white working class communities) |
2. Faith communities |
3. Ethnic communities |
4. Sexual Orientation communities |
5. Other communities traditionally excluded by the political process |
Judges: Shabir Randeree CBE (Chairman, HRH Prince of Wales’ Mosaic) | Simon Woolley (Founder, Operation Black Vote) | Andrea Cooper | Alice Memminger (Director, UpRising) | Yameen Akhtar (Three Faiths Forum) | Sophie Stephens (Citizens UK) | Jonathan Freeman (National Director, HRH Prince of Wales’ Mosaic)
Certificate – Labour Party MP of the Year 2015 – Stella Creasy MP
Winner – Labour Party MP of the Year 2015 – Chuka Umunna MP
Certificate – Labour Party MP of the Parliamentary Term 2010-2015 – Diane Abbott MP
Winner – Labour Party MP of the Parliamentary Term 2010-2015 – Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP
Winner – Labour Party People’s Choice MP of the Year 2015 – Angela Eagle MP
Certificate – Conservative Party MP of the Year 2015 – Rt Hon Sajid Javed MP
Winner – Conservative Party MP of the Year 2015 – Rt Hon Justine Greening MP
Certificate – Conservative Party MP of the Parliamentary Term 2010-2015 – Rt Hon Dominic Grieve MP
Winner – Conservative Party MP of the Parliamentary Term 2010-2015 – Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP
Winner – Conservative Party People’s Choice MP of the Year 2015 – Rehman Chishti MP
Certificate – Other Party MP of the Year 2015 – Rt Hon Tom Brake MP
Winner – Other Party MP of the Year 2015 – Angus Robertson MP
Certificate – Other Party MP of the Parliamentary Term 2010-2015 – Tim Farron MP
Winner – Other Party MP of the Parliamentary Term 2010-2015 – Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP
Winner – Other Party People’s Choice MP of the Year 2015 – Rt Hon Norman Lamb MP
Winner – Overall Party MP of the Year 2015 – Zac Goldsmith MP
Winner – Overall Party MP of the Parliamentary Term 2010-2015 – Caroline Lucas MP
Winner – Overall People’s Choice MP of the Year 2015 – Rt Hon Sadiq Khan MP
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