Mastering the Art of Negotiation and Networking: A Mid-Year Review

Talhah studied Clinical Bioscience at University, learning about the intrinsic link between the political framework and the provision of care. Driven by a firm commitment to community service, he has immersed himself in the third sector from an early age. He has spearheaded multiple charity campaigns, most notably, the distribution of care packages to the homeless. His active engagement with various mental health organisations has led him to work tirelessly to dismantle stigmas, particularly within British South Asian communities. With a keen interest in health, social and educational policies, Talhah focuses particularly on the provision of equitable opportunities for all.

As we approached the halfway point of our Patchwork journey, we were invited to a Mid-Year Review hosted by Hogan Lovells.


The day began with all the participants of this year’s programme reflecting on their experiences thus far. This exercise allowed us to engage with members from different cohorts, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie. One participant mentioned how chairing a masterclass significantly boosted their confidence in public speaking while another emphasised the importance of the networking sessions in providing valuable connections. 

Hearing diverse viewpoints broadened my perspective, revealing different ways to approach the second half of the programme. I came to the realisation that I needed to put myself out there and get more involved with events, whether through Patchwork or externally.

Following this, we participated in two skills sessions led by the team at Hogan Lovells, further enhancing our journey with their expertise and industry insights.

1: Negotiation skills session

I’ve always been curious about the inner workings of a serious business negotiation. This skills session provided a glimpse into the daily operations of a business lawyer. Although the exercise was predominantly law-based, the skills we acquired were highly transferable. 

We dove straight into a negotiation exercise, splitting into teams to present our cases. One team assumed the role of a TV production company pitching their new show to an international broadcaster, represented by the other team. We had to negotiate and reach a consensus on various arrangements, including budgeting, airtime schedules, and adherence to health and safety regulations. After twenty-five minutes of spirited debate, we regrouped and discussed our points of agreement and contention. Among the group, this exercise was definitely the highlight of the day.

I found this skills session fascinating as it dawned on me how I could transfer the skills learned into my personal and professional life. I realised the power of persuasion when it comes to negotiation which would aid me in advocating for causes that I believe in. As well as this, the importance of meticulous preparation was reiterated. This will enable me to anticipate and manage risks, ultimately making my career development smoother.

2: Networking skills session

When I used to hear the term “networking”, I often envisioned just having conversations with new people. After attending this skills session, I realised I was blissfully unaware of what effective networking truly entailed.

We were introduced to the three main types of networking: personal, operational and strategic. Alongside this, we delved into the intricate psychological techniques to have engaging conversations. The importance of “working the room” and “active listening” was stressed to us in order to leave a meaningful impression.

Splitting into small groups, we practiced crafting compelling introductions for approaching new contacts. This exercise underscored the importance of making a strong first impression. We also discussed the significance of following up on conversations quickly, whether that was through organising a coffee catch-up or sending a distinctive message on LinkedIn. Finally, we shared potential business card designs that we could create for our own personal brand.

Since attending this skills session, I have attended additional networking events. I have found myself to be more confident and self-aware. At work, this confidence has translated into forming even stronger connections with clients. I am more proactive in initiating conversations which has not only helped in building a more robust network but has also enhanced my satisfaction in my role. 


The evening concluded with an engaging networking session, providing the perfect opportunity for everyone to put into practice the techniques we had just learned. As the sun shone and the canapés arrived, many meaningful connections were made.

On behalf of everyone at the Patchwork Foundation, I would like to extend our thanks to Hogan Lovells for organising this event. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day that provided us with essential insights which will significantly contribute to our personal and professional development.