If you’re not registered, you cannot vote in the 2019 General Elections. You only need to register once, but you must register again if you’ve changed address, name or nationality.

Registering to vote is a simple process. You can do it online in 5 minutes by going to www.gov.uk/register-to-vote

You will need:

  • An Internet Connection
  • Your basic details (name, address, date of birth)
  • Your national insurance number


If you’re unsure if you are eligible to vote, have a look at the image on the right.

While EU citizens can (and should) register to vote, they can’t vote in General Elections.

If you live between two addresses (for e.g. you go to university away from home), you can register to vote at both addresses. BUT, you can only vote at one of these addresses in the General Election.

If you think you won’t be around on the day of the Election, you have a few options.

  1. Register for a Postal Vote  

    If you want to vote by post in the General Election, apply by 5pm on 26 November to receive your postal voting pack. Your postal vote must then arrive at your Electoral Office in the UK by 10pm on 12 December.

  2. Vote by ProxyIf you’re unable to vote in person you can ask someone to vote on your behalf. This is called a proxy vote. You can only apply for a proxy vote under certain circumstances, including:
    • being away on polling day
    • having a medical issue or disability
    • not being able to vote in person because of work or military service

    You need to apply by 5pm on 4 December to vote by proxy in the General Election in England, Scotland or Wales.